Jake Weber

Head of Biotech Research

Jake Weber is the Head of Biotech Research and co-editor of Biotech Millionaire. His professional, 12-year investment experience spans a wide range of asset classes, including precious metals, commodities, currency and equity options, fixed income, and the healthcare and biotech sectors.

Jake previously worked as a fixed income trader at a proprietary trading shop in Chicago. He graduated from Loyola University with a BA in Business Administration in Economics.


Premium Publications

Explore Jake's exclusive content for subscribers only.

Biotech Millionaire

The Investment Strategy Where C.A.S.H. Is King

Jake Weber - Biotech Millionaire

This premium alert service, with co-editors Chris Wood and Jake Weber at the helm, focuses on small-cap medical biotech companies with exceptional short-to mid-term profit potential. Their unique C.A.S.H. investing formula—Catalyst, Addressable Market, Science, Hype Potential—ensures that only the most promising candidates make it into the Biotech Millionaire portfolio.

In their premium alert service, they focus on small-cap, pre-revenue drug companies with exciting pipeline candidates in clinical trials. Their goal with each portfolio stock is to get at least a 100% return in the span of 12 to 24 months...

Find out more

Subscriber Comments

Monday's trading and (your recommendation’s) gain increased my portfolio in the amount of a year's wages after taxes!!!!! (...) Keep up the fantastic research!!"

Keith T.