The 10th Man Archive, August 2019

Dispatches From Bond-Land
  • August 15, 2019

Dispatches From Bond-Land

By this point, you have probably heard that $15 trillion of bonds are trading with negative yields, which represents 25% of all sovereign bonds outstanding. Lots of people are indignant about this—but it’s no use getting mad at the market.

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Take Small Bites
  • August 8, 2019

Take Small Bites

The first thing I read about investing wasn’t actually a book. It was a pamphlet that I got somewhere, 23 years ago.

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Interest Rates Are Low
  • August 1, 2019

Interest Rates Are Low

Interest rates are currently low. That was by far the biggest concern mentioned in the bond survey. People are drowning in worry about low interest rates and their effect on bonds. So let’s address that.

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