Thoughts from the Frontline Archive, December 2014

The US Dollar and the Cone of Uncertainty
  • December 22, 2014

The US Dollar and the Cone of Uncertainty

Currently we have an international monetary non-system. Nobody has to follow any rules. Everybody does what they consider is in their own short-term best interest. The real difficulty is: What is in their short-term interest – for example, following ultra-easy monetary policy – could well backfire somewhere. It might be not in their long-term best interest. And as the easy monetary policy influences the exchange rates, it influences other countries. Almost every country in the world is in...

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Oil, Employment, and Growth
  • December 16, 2014

Oil, Employment, and Growth

Last week we started a series of letters on the topics I think we need to research in depth as we try to peer into the future and think about how 2015 will unfold. In forecasting US growth, I wrote that we really need to understand the relationships between the boom in energy production on the one hand and employment and overall growth in the US on the other. The old saw that falling oil prices are like a tax cut and are thus a net benefit to the US economy and consumers is not altogether...

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Macroeconomics Finally Gets Interesting
  • December 7, 2014

Macroeconomics Finally Gets Interesting

“The future is already here – it's just not very evenly distributed.”

– William Gibson, Hall of Fame science fiction writer

Since I began writing this letter some 15 years ago, I’ve always done an annual forecast letter, generally in the first week of January. That letter is typically the most-read issue of the year, and I spend more time thinking about it than any other letter. I typically take the last week of the year off from writing just to concentrate on my research, and I often...

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